Hello and welcome to our school! Please get involved this year! Our kids are only young once, so Take this opportunity to be a part of their elementary school years by becoming actively involved in our awesome PTA! You can email me personally at [email protected]. We will find the right place for you to help out and make a difference at our school! We speak Mandarin, English, and we have other wonderful PTA members who can speak other languages if you need.
I would like to make statement here:
Please join PTA!
Fill out a membership & Volunteer Form today!
This is the very first step. We can do anything we want to do at Shelyn, if we all work together! The educational and explorations opportunities for our kids are endless! If we parents work together to strongly support the teachers and staff at Shelyn, we will be showing together for our kids!
Mission Statement -
To strive to create a community with all families and bring
enthusiasm into the classroom for teachers, students & parents.
email: [email protected]